







【凱芮絲MIT精品】動塑律感運動內衣(1503橘色 S-XXL)

【凱芮絲MIT精品】動塑律感運動內衣(1503藍色 S-XXL)


【曼格爾】緹花刺繡立體舒感輕柔透氣無鋼圈內衣褲2套組 B-E罩32-38(性感黑+甜美粉)

【Crosby 克勞絲緹】靚彩運動內衣(16694黑-紫 2入組 M-LL)

【Crosby 克勞絲緹】靚彩運動內衣(16694黑 M-LL)







加拿大一家醫院的獸醫救了一隻滿身全是跳蚤的狗。這些跳蚤吸食這隻狗的血,牠因此變得虛弱而瀕臨死亡。 這是一隻14歲的梗犬,它的名字叫Rascal,被送到不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華島Nanaimo Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals時,Rascal身體上有大約10萬隻跳蚤。

牠從一個嚴重缺乏愛心的家庭中被救出,它的狀況非常糟糕,以至於這家ASPCA沒有辦法提供他所需要的説明。 剛開始,他們以為Rascal身上覆蓋的是一層污垢。但更近的觀察讓他們發現牠身上全是跳蚤、蚤污垢和跳蚤卵。Rascal已經失去了85%的血,獸醫說這隻狗狀況危急。

「跳蚤吸食牠的血液,這就是為什麼可憐的Rascal在接受我們治療前奄奄一息的原因。說實在的,牠正處於被跳蚤害死的邊緣」,Tina Heary說,他是BC SPCA的高級動物保護官員。 在找到另一隻可以供血的狗後,獸醫們立即決定為Rascal進行緊急輸血。輸血花了大約四個小時。


網友推薦【GOA】街頭時尚.男款內增高帆布款橡膠雨鞋(綠),特惠價【GOA】街頭時尚.男款內增高帆布款橡膠雨鞋(綠),【GOA】街頭時尚.男款內增高帆布款橡膠雨鞋(綠)真的很實用 一定要讓你知道,分享推薦【GOA】街頭時尚.男款內增高帆布款橡膠雨鞋(綠)


2017-08-15 03:00

By Shelley Shan / Staff reporterTaipei temperatures have risen above 36?C for 10 consecutive days, breaking a record set in 2012, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) said yesterday.The bureau yesterday posted a graph on Facebook showing the highest daytime temperature was 36?C or higher from Aug. 5 to Sunday.Temperatures rose to 38.2?C at 1:11pm yesterday, for a 10th day of highs.The previous record set in July 2012 saw temperatures higher than 36?C for nine consecutive days, the bureau said, adding that a new record could be set in the next few days, with the high temperatures expected to continue.Projections by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts show that a tropical continental air mass is likely to continue hovering over the East China Sea and northern Taiwan today and tomorrow, which is keeping temperatures high, former CWB Weather Forecast Center director Daniel Wu (吳德榮) said.Temperatures in metropolitan areas in northern Taiwan are expected to reach at least 37?C over the next few days, Wu said.The continental air mass is expected to move north and the tropical maritime air mass is expected to move west, toward Taiwan, on Thursday, Wu said, adding that the maritime air mass could cause temperatures to drop by between 1?C and 2?C.From Friday through Monday next week, temperatures in the north are expected to hover between 35?C and 36?C, Wu said, adding that the rest of the nation would see a small variation, dropping to between 33?C and 34?C.Chances of afternoon thundershowers are higher on the plains and in mountainous areas after the maritime air mass moves closer to Taiwan on Thursday, Wu said.As the Pacific high pressure system moves northward, a tropical disturbance could develop in waters east of the Philippines, Wu said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES





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